Asian Academy Of Aeronautics | Flight Training Courses TIF

Asian Academy Of Aeronautics | Flight Training Courses TIF

If you have always wanted to learn to fly but thought you would like to find out more, then you should consider undertaking a Trial Introductory Flight with AAA.
The flight begins with a short briefing from your instructor who will explain how the controls of the plane work and what will happen during the flight. This is followed by the flight in a Cessna 150 where you will be able to take the controls and do some of the flying..The flight will be in the local training area and include a few circuits to observe a take-off and landing.
This flight takes the form of a thirty minute “mini” flying lesson. You’ll fly with a professional flying instructor who will give you a pre-flight brief and will be issued with a aircraft “check list” card. When you are airborne, if you feel comfortable, you will actually do most of the flying during the flight as well! In addition to the flight we will explain the pre-flight inspection, get you to help the pilot check the aircraft, and then you can run through the checklists before you start the engine!
The Cost for 30 minutes is – US$ 100/-
If you have always wanted to learn to fly but would like to try before you buy, then you should consider undertaking a Trial Introductory Flight with AAA!
The flight begins with a short briefing from your instructor who will explain how the controls of the plane work and what will happen during the flight. This is followed by a trip in a Cessna 150 where you will be able to take the controls and do some of the flying. The flight will be in the local training area and include a few circuits to observe a take-off and landing.
This flight is essentially a thirty minute “mini” flying lesson. Your instructor will give you a pre-flight brief and you will be issued with an aircraft check list. The instructor will explain the pre-flight inspection and you will assist with the actual aircraft inspection. You will then assist with the pre-take off checklist before you start the engine!
When you are airborne, if you feel comfortable (and we are sure you will), you will actually do most of the flying!
This is truly a pivotal experience for practically everyone who tries it. You will, almost definitely, be hooked!
And the cost of this never-to-be-forgotten experience? A mere US$ 100
* Includes your own personalised certificate!