About Emlalatini Development Center

About Emlalatini Development Center

1. MANDATE: Emlalatini Development Centre (EDC) is a government institution that provides open and distance learning (ODL) programmes at junior and higher secondary education levels in Swaziland.EDC was mandated to offer first and second opportunities to the youth and adults of Swaziland who, for one reason or another, could not finish their secondary education.

2. VISION: We strive to be a leading ODL provider in the region.

3. MISSION STATEMENT: EDC is an institution committed to providing access to quality and affordable education to the youth and adults in Swaziland through open and distance learning.

Adults who could not complete school and now want to study.
High school students who did not do well in some subjects in the conventional schools and thus want to upgrade for tertiary education eligibility.

People who suddenly want to change their careers and need to study subjects suitable for their new career paths.

Learners who are employed but wish to study without giving up their jobs.

Learners who prefer studying a few subjects at a time.
J.C learners who could not pass form 3 and wish to repeat failed subjects so that they can later join the conventional school system to continue with their schooling.
NUPE students who have passed their SPC exams and wish to continue with higher education but cannot be in a conventional school system for one reason or another.

Junior Certificate(JC)
Swaziland General Certificate Of Secondary Education(SGCSE)
Additional Mathematics Mathematics
Book-keeping &Accounts Business Studies
English Language English Language(as a second language)
English Literature SiSwati (as a first language)
History Accounting
Integrated Science History
Mathematics Biology
Business Studies