LCE Advanced Diploma in Special Education – ADSE

LCE Advanced Diploma in Special Education – ADSE

Salamanca and Education For All (EFA) declarations advocates  for inclusive education in its policy statements. However, the Lesotho educational system has traditionally focused on the child of at least average intellectual ability and has not provided an orientation of teachers to the varied special needs of many children, such as those with disabilities and those who are orphans. This situation called for the introduction of Advanced Diploma in Special Education whose primary  role is to create a pool of skilled teachers with understanding of the value and impact of inclusive education for all learners with Special Educational Needs (SEN) in the  primary and secondary schools. The programme is  offered one year full time. It is designed for  both primary and secondary schools’ teachers who have interest in special education issues in teaching and learning situation. Admission is open to citizens and non-citizens of Lesotho.
Subjects offered :
There are six common courses  offered to all students.  There are also six areas of Specialisation from which each student will select only one.
1.    SPEC 1301PS-A: Introduction to Special Educational Needs (SEN)
2.    SPEC 1302PS-A: Characteristics, Identification and Assessment of students with SEN.
3.    SPEC 1303PS-A:  Methods and Strategies of Teaching SEN.
4.    SPEC 1604PS-SB: Practicum
5.    SPEC 1305PS-B: Human Growth and Development.
6.    SPEC 1306PS-B: Introduction to Learning Disability.
1.  Gifted and Talented (GT)
2.  Behaviour, Emotional & Communication Disorders (BECD)
3.  Hearing Impaired (HI)
4.  Visually Impaired (VI)
5.  Mentally Retarded/Physically Handicapped and  Other Health Impairment
6.  Learning Disability (LD)
There is a  practicum experience of six weeks each semester in mainstream schools, special schools and resource centres. This course  involves assessment of practical specialist skills plus ability to conduct a case study involving daily clinical teaching practices and recording daily intervention progress. This is the only course that is  not examined by end of semester examination but through 5 continuous assessments each semester.