Uladi sides with University of Malawi students on Fees Must Fall campaign: Chakwera says Mutharika has priorities upside down

By | August 2, 2016

Opposition political parties over the weekend faulted the government for the increased public university fees and continued decline of the economy.

Mussa condemned Peter Mutharika government for its stand to fees for tertially education

Mussa condemned Peter Mutharika government for its stand to fees for tertially education

Peoples Party acting president Uladi Mussa described the Peter Mutharika administration as insensitive, for increasing the fees in the harsh economic times.

“They need to suspend the increase in the University of Malawi fees, the situation on the ground is not good, people are suffering terribly,” said Mussa.

He said the government took a wrong approach, saying the best approach was to do it gradual instead of raising the fees at one go from K175000 to K400000.

University of Malawi Students Union (UMSU),  who also agree with a reasonable increase of fees if the hike is necessary have said those who pay K55 000 should pay not more than K100 000. Those paying K250 000 should pay K275 000, those who pay K275 should pay K280 000 and the new first years should pay K300 000.

They continued to say mature students for KCN and College of Medicine should not have their fees hiked since they are already expensive and mature students for Polytechnic and Chanco should pay K400 000.

Chancellor College (Chanco), Polytechnic and  Kamuzu College of Nursing (KCN) students have all held demonstrations protesting to the new fee hike saying the fee hike is too much and most students cannot afford.

KCN students from both Lilongwe and Blantyre campus delivered petitions on 27 July where they were pleading with the President to intervene in the issue.

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Addressing a political rally in Nkhotakota, Chakwera blamed the government for economic upside down policies that has led the high cost of living.

“Everything has completely gone up and the government seems not to be in control. People out there are suffering but the government seems not to care,” he said.

He advised Mutharika and his government to wake up and face the reality that most ordinary Malawians cannot make ends meet how much hard working they can be because of the harsh economic times.