20th College of Medicine Research Dissemination Conference
First Call for Abstract Submission
The College of Medicine (CoM) is pleased to announce that the 2016 College of Medicine Research Dissemination Conference will be held on Thursday 8th September 2016 at the College of Medicine, Mahatma Gandhi Campus in Blantyre. The Conference will be one of the major events for the CoM Silver Jubilee Celebrations and will enable CoM research scientists (investigators) to showcase their major research outputs since the inception of the CoM 25 years ago. It will also provide an opportunity for other investigators from local and international institutions to present latest health-related research results. This year’s theme is “College of Medicine Research Excellence Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.” During this conference, research scientists, health practitioners and policy makers will reflect on quality and impact of CoM’s research outputs and provide input on the scope and focus of the Malawi’s research agenda in the next 5-10 years.
The CoM is now inviting interested investigators to submit abstracts relevant to any of the
following thematic areas:
- Communicable diseases, mainly focusing on malaria, HIV and tuberculosis
- Non-communicable diseases
- Nutrition
- Health Systems
- Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health
Submitted abstracts should include the following sub-sections;
- Specific thematic area that the abstract addresses (i.e. any of the above-listed
- thematic areas)
- Title
- List of authors and their affiliations and contact details of the presenting author
- including telephone number and email address.
- Introduction
- Methods
- Results
- Conclusions or Interpretation
Investigators are required to use a template of the abstract that can be accessed on the following website: www.medcol.mw/rdc .The abstract should not be more than 300 words in length and should not include any tables or figures, download abstract submission form. Investigators must clearly indicate whether they intend to make an oral or poster presentation. The abstracts should be submitted by email to 2016rdcabstracts@medcol.mw by 17:00hrs on Friday 22th July, 2016.
All abstracts will be peer-reviewed and successful investigators will be informed by 5th August 2016. Oral and poster presenters will be required to pay registration fees, as follows;
- Undergraduate and Postgraduate students: MK10,000
- University of Malawi Faculty members: MK20,000
- Other delegates: MK30,000
The fees will cover the cost of lunch, refreshments, printing of abstract booklet and other conference-related expenses.
Please note that 5 CPD points will be awarded for attendance and 5 additional points for each presentation. If you would like to register in advance please contact us on 2016rdcregistration@medcol.mw or call on 265 (0)888 123 811/ +265 (0)991 431 587. You
can also visit Research Support Centre in ICT Building at College of Medicine, Mahatma Gandhi campus. If you need further information, contact us on 2016rdcenquiries@medcol.mw