Introduction to Implementation Science course

By | February 16, 2017

Introduction to Implementation Science course

Wed January 25   –  Friday January 27, 2017
Lilongwe, Malawi
Vivian Go, PhD                                                                                  Brian Pence, PhD
Associate Professor, Dept. of Health Behavior                    Associate Professor, Dept. of Epidemiology
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill                    The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill                                                                 
Course objectives

  • Understand the importance and language of implementation science
  • Explore the theories and frameworks that are commonly used in IS research and practice
  • Describe the various study designs and measures that support IS
  • Understand IS methods and challenges across various settings and populations
  • Understand how IS can further your research/practice plans and career.
  • Develop an IS grant proposal concept, incorporating the above elements

Course structure
The course will be a mix of presentations and time spent in groups developing an implementation science grant proposal concept.  On the first day, you will divide yourselves into groups of 3-4 based on common interests.  Each day will start with a 30-60 minute presentation and discussion of core material.  The second part of the day will be spent applying that material to the implementation science core content covered earlier, with instructor guidance.  Each group will present its work to the others in the form of PowerPoint slides and brief presentations.
Find attached the course Schedule Course Syllabus
Find the attached Form Application Form

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