% Time |
Major Activities |
End Results Expected |
- Support the assessment process for new District Programmes, following LEAP standards for assessment and using LEAP tools or Donor defined Templates
- Identify and/or develop the tools for assessment to ensure the right information is collected
- Support the assessment process for emergency disaster response in conjunction with local government, other agencies, or partners.
- Support compilation of assessment data and lead the analysis with the assessment team.
- Review and edit the assessment report, to ensure the final report fully
- addresses the objectives of the assessment
- Quality assessments reports are produced according to standard and well inform the decision of investment
- Assessments are well planned and undertaken in time
Designs and Planning
- Support the process of Technical Programme design, working with otherTechnical Programme team members to follow a process that includes appropriate community and government engagement while also adhering to global standards and technical approaches.
- Support the process of data collection, defining data needs, identifying both primary and secondary data sources and working with other team members to ensure this is collected; collate this data and ensure it is available in simple-to Use formats for community engagement.
- Support the dissemination of information from community engagement, workwith Technical Co-ordinators to adapt Technical Programme logframes for local usage; advise on indicators, selecting those that are relevant from the compendium of indicators.
Provide guidance in the use of annual planning tools, ensuring that TechnicalProgramme team members are confident in using the tools and that they can produce quality planning and budgeting documents |
- Designs are well planned and undertaken timely
- Quality Designs that clearly show the pathway of change are produced.
- Designs are informed by quality data and they are disseminated at the community for feedback.
- Annual Planning process map and tools are produced and disseminated to the Programmes to inform planning
- Recommendations from DME Milestones within Programs and projects are effectively and timely implemented.
- Set up and co-ordinate a monitoring plan for Technical Programmes in accordance with NO M&E System and WV standards including recommended resources, as appropriate in the NO context
- Adapt or develop tools and methodologies to meet the programme output and outcome monitoring requirements in collaboration with technical specialists.
- Provide consistent mentoring and supervision of staff to ensure quality of data at all levels of programming
- Support DME at District level to analyse their own data and communicate conclusions and recommendations
- Provide technical support to programme teams and partners in data processing, analysis and interpretation across the programming area to track progress and identify trends every six months
- Review monitoring data regularly and systematically to ensure correct analysis and interpretation
- Guide Area Programme teams to develop action plans to support implementation of actions, based on evidence and lessons learned
- Participate in the of review reports from Technical and Area Programmes for completeness, timeliness, coherence and accuracy
- Prepare monthly DME activity report and submit to Associate QA Director.
- Routine data quality assessment on program/project monitoring data collected including that collected by partners/sub grantees is carried out before it is used for reporting.
- M&E Plans are data collection tools are produced and disseminated to all Technical Programmes
- M&E Manual is produced and distributed to all programme staff
- Staff capacity building in M&E is well informed (ICD) and undertaken timely.
- Strategies to increase data use and demand amongst Program staff and stakeholders are proposed
Baselines and Evaluations
- Contribute to scoping discussions for Technical Programme/Area Programme baselines and evaluations
- Lead the preparation of baseline and evaluation terms of reference (ToRs) and measurement tools, to ensure alignment with programme design and the local context
- Advise on communication between evaluation team and local community stakeholders, programme staff and partners to ensure plans, including scheduling, are mutually convenient
- Organise logistics for external evaluators that are leading the process, and
- ensure that all the necessary requirements are available for the process to be asuccess.
- For internal evaluations, lead the process of creating and using a sampling frame to determine sample sizes and informant selection
- Support routine output and annual outcome monitoring by continued capacity building and technical support to District Programmes and grant projects
- For internal evaluations, lead the analysis of data, enabling the Programme teams to draw conclusions regarding the results and implications for the programme.
- DME milestones such as baseline/evaluation surveys, semi (annual) reports, LQAS surveys, QRMs and community reviews for each AP are well planned and undertaken timely
- Analyzed program and project Indicators, evaluated program performance and necessary recommendations for improvement made
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Child Well-being and Strategy Measurement
- Participate in the scoping process for the CWB report, including facilitating a review of available reports and data, in line with NO strategic objectives and the standard template
- Support in assessing the accuracy of data in the Programme annual reports and make decisions about whether or not to include the data in the CWB report
- Support reflection on the information to draw out findings, understand why changes did or did not occur, and what contributed to this
- Work with Technical Specialists to write a coherent summary of the most important results to inform strategy review and improvements in programming in accordance with the provided template
- Support NO Strategy Measurement and track achievements against the targets to monitor the implementation of the NO Strategy as per the Scorecard framework
- Monthly and Semi-annual reports are reviewed and analyzed to identify the causes of potential bottlenecks in project/program implementation and to enhance quality of reporting.
- Lessons learned and best practices of the different programs and projects are effectively document and widely shared with donors and stakeholders
- Director of Programs is supported in reviewing program/project reports to ensure high quality reports are timely submitted.
- CWBR writing is well planned and undertaken on time with the participation of all staff.
- Project/program staff and stakeholders are supported to identify ways to properly document, organize and capture program progress.
Data Management Systems
- Support the roll out of Horizon 3 and other innovative practices, methodologies or initiatives in DME processes
- Utilise and adapt best practices from partners M&E databases to improve Programme Effectiveness
- Ensure all Horizon data requirements are kept up to date on an ongoing basis.
- Provide guidance and training to other Technical Programme team members in their usage of Horizon, in particular focusing on the data they need to provide to input into Horizon
- Generate progress reports from Horizon or NO level Databases on a monthly basis; highlight areas of concern to Technical team members for their followup.
- Liaise with the Sponsorship staff to ensure that STEP data is also available for use in Horizon and that the two systems become more effectively integrated.
- Horizon is well planned and undertaken on time and is kept up to date.
- Technical staff capacity in Horizon is built and benefits of horizon realized
- Technical Programme data is well managed and is used timely to inform decisions.
Staff Management
- Assess staff development needs and coach staff to determine their capacity and commitment to achieve agreed goals or tasks
- Support the implementation and monitoring the staff development needs as per Integrated Competency Development (ICD) findings and recommendations
Networking and Collaboration
- Participate in relevant networks in A.D.M&E in the country and internationally
- Represent WV Malawi in relevant coordination meetings if and when delegated.
- Facilitate coordination with other actors such as relevant Government departments, UN system and other NGOs if and when delegated.