Republic Polytechnic Application for Admission/ Intake

By | October 11, 2021

Enrolment Matters

Successfully applied to RP? Check out our Enrolment Guide as well as enrolment matters for all NS-liable applicants and NS Men for helpful information on how you can complete your enrolment.

School of Applied Science

School of Engineering

School of Hospitality

School of Infocomm

School of Sports, Health and Leisure

School of Management and Communication

School of Technology for the Arts

Courses with remaining vacancies after JAE posting are indicated with an asterisk (*). In order to appeal to these courses with vacancies, students need only meet the course’s MERs. Do note that meeting the minimum entry requirements does not guarantee placement, as appeals posting is in order of merit, and subjected to available vacancies in the course.

Find out more about RP’s post-diploma programmes here


Welcome to Republic Polytechnic (RP)’s Online Enrolment webpage!

Click here to view a summary of your Online Enrolment steps. To proceed with Online Enrolment, please scroll down and click on the relevant category.

Admissions Guides

Interested in our courses? Find out more on how you can join RP with our helpful admission guides below.

For ‘O’ Level Students

For ‘N(A)’ Level Students

For ‘A’ Level Students

For ITE Students

For IP Students

For IB Students

For Lifelong Learners

For Working Adults

For students with other qualifications

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