University of Mauritius Undergraduate Programmes Admission Deadline Extended

By | November 10, 2021

Undergraduate Programmes – Mauritian Applicants

Advert Eligibility

Apply Online by 25.10.21

Information & Instructions
to Applicants

Quick Glance at Programme Requirements

Programme Details

Indicative Profile of Last Year

Fees & Payments

Information on Scholarships

Extract of Government Decision on Free Education in Tertiary Institutions



Postgraduate Programmes

The University of Mauritius so far runs the following research programmes:

 MPhil/PhD
 MPhil
This proposal is to extend the research opportunities and offer an MSc/MA (by Research), as is done in many good universities abroad such as Oxford
University, University of London, University of Edinburgh, University of Glasgow, University of Manchester, University of Sheffield, University of Warrick,
Cranfield University, University of New South Wales, Durham University).
The MSc/MA (by Research) is a flexible programme of demand-based research supported by an individually tailored system of learning material; hence, it is
designed for highly motivated full-time research student as well as graduates employed within industries or organisations.
Students will work with as part of a research group to complete a project of Masters quality which may also deliver real benefit to the student or to the
supporting industry/organisation.
An MSc/MA (by Research) will give a student hands-on experience of his/her specialist area and can be used in preparation for an MPhil or a PhD.
An MSc/MA (by Research) can also prepare students for careers in science or administration, business careers, careers that interact with technological or other
sectors, and work where skills in observation, recording and analysis, and proficiency in knowledge transfer are at a premium.
This degree will be available in all faculties or centres.
The MSc/MA (by Research) may be taken in full-time and part-time mode.
It is envisaged that MSc/MA (by Research) will be awarded on the basis of:

a thesis submission based on a research project worth 36 UoM credits/72 LCCS credits.
The online application for the MSc/MA by Research will not be open during the periods May to July and mid-November to end of February as from the
academic year 2015/2016.

Applicants should have, or be expected to achieve, at least a Second Class Second Division Undergraduate Honours Degree or its equivalent in the
relevant discipline. Other relevant qualifications, together with considerable experience, may be considered.
The processing of the application is outlined in the flow chart (see Annex A).
After the research proposal has been approved by the Department and Faculty/Centre Board and Teaching & Research Committee (TRC), Senate
will be informed. The student may proceed with the research, analysis and writing up of the thesis as from TRC’s approval and upon registration.
Members in the relevant field may be co-opted at the level of the Faculty/Centre Board during the consideration of the MSc/MA Research
The MSc/MA (by Research) may be taken in full-time and part-time mode:

1-1.5 Yrs Full-time

2-3 Yrs Part-time
As a rough guide, for full time students, the literature survey and any technical knowledge required should be completed within three (3) months. The next six months should be
occupied by the experimental/implementation work. The final three (3) months should be taken up with analysing results and the write-up of the thesis. However, an MSc/MA
(by Research) project is obviously of less scope and size than a PhD and the candidate must show clear evidence of independent thinking in the thesis which must be his or her
own work. Therefore, the supervisors will expect the student to be showing initiative and ideas very soon into the project schedule.
Fees are available on the webpage of the Admissions and Student Records Office of the UoM. For more information, please contact the Office on

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Students will be required to submit a six-monthly Progress Report and the Student Progress Form (SPF) which will constitute the formal mechanism
by which the research programme is monitored (akin to the ones for MPhil/MPhil/PhD and PhD students in the Handbook of “Rules, Regulations
and Procedures governing MPhil/PhD programmes”).
For the research project, the examiners must be satisfied that the thesis shows competence in investigating the chosen topic and that the results have
been presented in a lucid and scholarly manner.
The thesis should not normally exceed 100 pages or 30,000 words in length. Satisfactory oral examination is also required.
The overall assessment (thesis + compulsory module) will be in a proportion equivalent to the UoM credits/LCCS credits (i.e. 5:1). There will be an
Internal Assessor and an External Assessor for the examination of the thesis.

Potential student will be directed towards a supervisor with whom s/he will meet to discuss and draft a research project proposal.
 Upon registration, the student and the supervisor will meet regularly to discuss the research project and the writing of the thesis.

Students will have access to all the general academic facilities of the University.

Students are welcome to attend all seminars and workshops organised by the University.

Students will be given the opportunity to audit at least 2 (two) modules in the relevant field of their research.