Disaster and Relief Management, Public Events and Public Service Reform Commission Job Vacancies

We would like to express our gratitude to the State President, His Excellency Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika for entrusting us with the task of charting the national direction in Public Service reforms. There are many qualified Malawians he could have appointed to carry out this important task. We would also like to extend our appreciation to development partners who provided direct support to the Commission.

In particular, we would like thank UNDP for providing logistical support throughout the six months and on the benchmarking study tour to Kenya, Singapore and the United Kingdom. We also thank the Irish Aid for their financial support towards the logistics during stakeholder consultations.

We would also like to thank the stakeholders who came to the meetings or sent written submissions and the input from technical experts who were availed through the World Bank, UNDP and USAID. Last but not least, we would like to express our special gratitude to the Secretariat for their invaluable support. Their dedication and professionalism made our work progress smoothly.

The first phase was the Learning and Data Collection phase. During this time the Commission reviewed the available documentation in order to appreciate the challenges being faced in the Malawi Public Service, conducted Stakeholder Consultations/Engagement as well hold round table discussions to obtain inputs from different stakeholders and through a press release requested inputs from the general public. The Chairperson of the Commission also held consultative meetings with MDAs, and representatives of multilateral and bilateral Missions in order to identify quick win reforms and to consider the roles that each of these organizations can play in the PSR process.

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