Blowplast Industries LTD Job Vacancies

By | August 10, 2020

The Blow Group of Companies was founded in 1993. Since then we have pursued an unstinted path of growth despite national and international competition. Growth with a social conscience has been our motto.

Our long-term goal of building a global, multi-product, multi-brand company is now becoming a reality. BLOW GROUP provides full service to virtually every industry in which customized flexible packaging is used: food, pharmaceutical, chemical, textile, airline, railroad, utilities and construction companies, in addition to agricultural, retail, asbestos abatement and medical waste industries

Being part of the Blow Group is an exciting, challenging and rewarding experience. Our objective is to build strong teams in the various different business segments whilst providing each member a strong sense of achievement and job satisfaction. Blowgroup has always recognised that its human resources are the main factor of its success.

We are looking for dynamic, motivated people who have clearly thought-out objectives, are willing and able to work in a team and possess well-developed interpersonal skills. If you match these requirements check out the positions which are currently available and send us your CV

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