Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore Admission Statistics

By | October 29, 2021

Our medical students come from diverse academic backgrounds from top universities all over the world, with degrees ranging from accountancy to life sciences. The diverse skills and wide range of knowledge they bring, enables our students to bring creative problem solving to medical challenges, and helps them to develop as future leaders in clinical care and medical research.

While students with strong science backgrounds typically excel in medical school, students who are academically strong from other fields, including engineering, computer science, business or humanities can also be highly successful.

MD Enrolment Statistics Overview

Admissions Statistics: 2021 entering class

Matriculated Class Size: 72
Average Age: 25 years old
Age Range: 21-40 years old

Average Highest GPA: 3.68
Average MCAT: 516MCAT and GPA scores are shown above for reference. We accept a range of scores as we review all applicants holistically and consider GPA and MCAT scores together with other attributes in determining the suitability of a candidate. While we do not set pre-determined cut-offs for GPA and MCAT scores, these should reflect an academic background that is able to withstand the rigours of a fast-paced medical education at Duke-NUS.

The Admissions Committee reviews all application material, reference letters, and interviewer comments carefully to better understand each applicant. We seek to identify those with the traits and skills that will help them succeed not only as clinicians but also clinicians-plus. These attributes include competent communication and interpersonal skills, integrity, teamwork, altruism, resilience, and critical thinking.

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)Change Course

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MBBS in Singapore is a 5 year degree offered by only two universities. The country houses the Asia’s top university National University of Singapore, which is ranked 11th in the world by the QS News Ranking of 2020. For medicine, it is placed in the 21st position. Despite being an expensive city, funding is readily available and the unemployment rate is also negligible at 2.2%.

  • The average cost of study is 28,004 SGD per year which is considered cheaper than the UK or the USA.
  • Government scholarships for international students in Singapore like the Ministry of Education tuition grant scheme cover a portion of the living costs also.
  • According to WHO, Singapore is ranked 6th in the world for its health care systems.
  • There is a lot of scope after completing MBBS in Singapore universities with an average salary of doctors being 96,499 SGD – 109,668 SGD per annum. 

MBBS in Singapore is a 5 year degree offered by only two universities. The country houses the Asia’s top university National University of Singapore, which is ranked 11th in the world by the QS News Ranking of 2020. For medicine, it is placed in the 21st position. Despite being an expensive city, funding is readily available and the unemployment rate is also negligible at 2.2%.