Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore Tuition and Fees Structure

By | October 29, 2021


As of 1 July 2021 to 30th June 2024, the following Module Fees are applicable to the Graduate Certificate in Health Products Regulation.

Student Service Fee (SSF): Students are required to pay an additional SGD25.23 per semester. In the event that students do not take any modules that semester, they would not have to pay this fees.

International Participants
Singapore Citizens
Singapore PRsEnhanced Training Support for SMEs
39 years old
or younger
40 years old
or older

Full Module Fee

Less: SSG Grant Amount

Nett Module Fee

7% GST on
Nett Module Fee

Total Nett Module Fee Payable, Including GST

Less Additional Funding if Eligible Under Various Schemes

Total Nett Module Fee Payable, Including GST, after additional funding from the various funding schemes

The flexible curriculum is designed to accommodate your busy work schedule, allowing you to plan your course of career development to meet your needs and interests. The programme is taught through a blended learning approach, engaging students through an online learning management system that delivers content, enables student assessments, and allows for interaction between students. Each module will also feature a 5-day face-to- face workshop, specifically designed to accommodate the demanding work schedule of your full-time job.

The programme structure below outlines the 4 subject areas you will focus on. To graduate, you will be required to complete a total of 4 modules out of the 11 modules offered. Students have the flexibility to choose from any subject area of interest.

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As of 1 July 2021 to 30th June 2024, the following Module Fees are applicable to the Graduate Certificate in Health Products Regulation.

Student Service Fee (SSF): Students are required to pay an additional SGD25.23 per semester. In the event that students do not take any modules that semester, they would not have to pay this fees.