About Assembly Bible College

About Assembly Bible College 


The Botswana Qualifications Authority (BQA) is a parastatal established by the Botswana Qualifications Authority Act, No 24 of 2013, to:

  • provide for and maintain the National Credit and Qualifications Framework (NCQF)
  • coordinate the education, training and skills development quality assurance system, from early childhood to tertiary level (lifelong learning).


To make Botswana the nucleus of global competitive knowledge and skills.


BQA ensures all learners acquire quality assured awards through the implementation of a national quality assurance system.

Our Values

  • Performance
  • Quality
  • Integrity
  • Innovation
  • Customer Focus


  • Be responsible for all qualifications, from early childhood to tertiary level;
  • Design, develop and implement a common quality assurance platform, and regulate compliance therewith;

  • Register and validate qualifications and part qualifications, and ensure their relevance to social and economic needs;

  • Evaluate and register local and external qualifications;
Maintain a national database of assessors, moderators, education and training providers and learners;

  • Register and accredit education and training providers, assessors, awarding bodies and moderators;

  • Accredit learning programmes;

  • Develop and review quality standards, and ensure compliance through a monitoring and evaluation system;

  • Design methods of validating the achievements of learners;
Recognise and validate competencies for purposes of certifications;

  • Design procedures and rules for the protection of enrolled learners;
Develop, implement and maintain an overarching national credit and qualify cations framework;

  • Set teaching and learning standards for education and training providers;
  • Ensure international recognition for the national qualifications system and the international comparability of qualifications;
  • Develop standards for the recognition of external qualifications;

  • Maintain a national database of qualifications;

  • Design qualifications and curricula for general education and tertiary education, including technical and vocational education and training (TVET) and higher education;

  • Contribute toward the development of international competency frame work;

  • Set criteria for the development of national education and training quality and inspection standards;

  • Develop policy and criteria for work-based teaching, workplace learning and work-based learning programmes, the recognition of prior learning (RPL) and the credit accumulation and transfer system (CATS);
Advise the Minister on all matters pertaining to its functions;

  • Perform any function consistent with this Act that the Minister may, by regulations, determine; and

  • Do all such things and perform all such functions as may be necessary for, or incidental to, the attainment of the objectives of the Authority.