Alexandra Hospital Job Vacancies

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Career Opportunities

Our staff are the backbone of our hospital, ensuring that our model of integrated one-stop care can be provided to every patient, seamlessly. From medical to nursing, and allied health, as well as support and administrative staff, Alexandra Hospital hires a broad range of people from varying backgrounds, to best serve the needs of this healthcare institution and its patients.

You can learn how to be part of a new journey, aimed at redesigning healthcare, by heading down to our Jobstreet profile page.

Alexandra Hospital (AH) has been under the National University Health System (NUHS) since 1 June 2018, and will serve as a 326-bedder facility, providing seamless, one-stop comprehensive care by one care team to some 100,000 residents in the Queenstown precinct (the oldest housing estate) and Southwest and the rest of Singapore.

Alexandra Hospital is the first Integrated General Hospital in Singapore providing holistic and seamless care from acute, sub-acute to rehabilitative settings, reducing the need for a patient to transfer to another healthcare institution. Our clinical model is team-led and programme-based. This means that every patient who comes to Alexandra Hospital will be placed under at least one of our five core clinical programmes, and be taken care by a single doctor and the same care team, under one of these programmes.

MOH Holdings (MOHH) is the holding company of Singapore’s public healthcare clusters – National University Health System, National Healthcare Group and Singapore Health Services and Agency for Integrated Care that provides and awards various Talent Scholarships to local undergraduates and graduates who have a passion for contributing to Singapore’s public healthcare sector.

The scholarship will provide fresh graduates with rewarding and challenging careers via a structured job exposure programme and aims to groom the next generation of leaders in the healthcare industry. 
 For more information or to apply, please visit:

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