Application forms for Universities And Colleges In Mauritius

Following are the career oriented degree programs offer at Greenwich University Mauritius Branch Campus.

Our spectrum of study program ranges from Certificates to Diploma Courses in versatile disciplines fitting the needs of current era while opting the best possible technology to deliver the knowledge and educate interactively.



1ST STEP:Apply Online at our website OR
Fill the Application online or Send all your academic documents, Passport Size Photo, Passport Copy, copy of National Identity Card and on email
2ND STEP:Online Interview
Guidance about University / Accommodation / Work / Check English, Confidence and Positivity
3RD STEP:Provisional Acceptance of Admission
After scrutiny of your documents, the admission office will send the admission acceptance Letter!
4TH STEP:Acknowledgment of the Acceptance by the Student
The student will send the acknowledgment of the acceptance letter with 02 days of the receiving of the acceptance letter
5TH STEP:Initial Fee Deposit
Within 03 days of receiving of acceptance letter, Deposit the initial fee of USD 500 in the University Bank Account (mentioned on the admission acceptance letter) to process partial student visa.
Student must send the receipt to the University alongwith the following documents06 months Bank StatementAccount Maintenance CertificateCopy of National IDPolice Clearance ReportMedical Clearance Report
6TH STEP:Visa Processing
The University will process your student visa from Mauritius and will send you within 21 working days.
7TH STEP:Submission of the remaining Fee
Deposit the remaining fee in the University Account. Student must share a copy of receipt and return air ticket with the Management. Now student can travel to Mauritius as student!
8TH STEP:Airport Meet and Greet
06 months Bank Statement Account Maintenance Certificate Copy of National ID Police Clearance Report Greenwich Representative will be looking forward to welcome student at the Mauritius Airport to make them a part of the International Student Community.
9TH STEP:Accommodation
University Student Accommodation is available near campus, which costs you approx. USD 150 (Double Sharing) and USD 300 (Single Occupancy) inclusive of Utilities, Internet, and Security. Besides this, individual / exclusive accommodations are available near the campus on a reasonable price.