Bosa Bosele Training Institute Courses

Bosa Bosele Training Institute Courses

Courses Offered

Good morning all. Be reminded that we are still taking June 2016 intake for the following courses.

>Certificate in social work
>certificate in early childhood
>certificate in journalism n media
>certiticate in security risk n loss control
>certificate in HIV/AIDS counsellin
>certificate in day care management

Call any of our branches..Ftown 73596917, Gabs 73596918, SPhikwe 73596916.


  • Be responsible for all qualifications, from early childhood to tertiary level;
  • Design, develop and implement a common quality assurance platform, and regulate compliance therewith;

  • Register and validate qualifications and part qualifications, and ensure their relevance to social and economic needs;

  • Evaluate and register local and external qualifications;
Maintain a national database of assessors, moderators, education and training providers and learners;

  • Register and accredit education and training providers, assessors, awarding bodies and moderators;

  • Accredit learning programmes;

  • Develop and review quality standards, and ensure compliance through a monitoring and evaluation system;

  • Design methods of validating the achievements of learners;
Recognise and validate competencies for purposes of certifications;

  • Design procedures and rules for the protection of enrolled learners;
Develop, implement and maintain an overarching national credit and qualify cations framework;

  • Set teaching and learning standards for education and training providers;
  • Ensure international recognition for the national qualifications system and the international comparability of qualifications;
  • Develop standards for the recognition of external qualifications;

  • Maintain a national database of qualifications;

  • Design qualifications and curricula for general education and tertiary education, including technical and vocational education and training (TVET) and higher education;

  • Contribute toward the development of international competency frame work;

  • Set criteria for the development of national education and training quality and inspection standards;

  • Develop policy and criteria for work-based teaching, workplace learning and work-based learning programmes, the recognition of prior learning (RPL) and the credit accumulation and transfer system (CATS);
Advise the Minister on all matters pertaining to its functions;

  • Perform any function consistent with this Act that the Minister may, by regulations, determine; and

  • Do all such things and perform all such functions as may be necessary for, or incidental to, the attainment of the objectives of the Authority.