Carewell Clinic Job Vacancies

As a non-profit mission hospital, Carewell Clinic strives to meet the health needs of the clients served with quality and compassionate care.

Carewell Clinic operates with a capacity of 150 beds and a comprehensive range of health-care services, primarily to the approximately 100,000 people living in the 264 villages in its health service area, but many patients come from all other parts of the country as well.

CAREWELL CLINIC reminds you of the Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC).

Circumcision has many benefits in males; many of these benefits reduce exposure of sickness in females who are in sexual relations with them.

Some of these benefits include keeping the penis clean & maintains hygiene; reducing risk of HIV by 60%; reducing risk of some STIs, especially those that form wounds; preventing unrepeatable foreskin; preventing the problem of foreskin from being pulled back; preventing urinary infection in childhood; reducing risk of penile and cervical cancer.
Book your space to do Male Circumcision today.

+266 2231 3747

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