Catholic University in Zimbabwe Job Vacancies

The Catholic University was opened in August 1999 under statutory instrument 49 of 1998.

The Faculty of Theology at the Catholic University of Zimbabwe is created in order to promote Traditional theological, religious and ministerial education in the context of Zimbabwe and Africa at large. It demonstrates the relevance of this knowledge to the development of the person as well as the community and society at large, by responding to the economic, social and political challenges that have impacted on the religious institutions and other agencies of development.

The Faculty of Theology at CUZ seeks to advance theological research and train students who can demonstrate skills and competences that lead to greater effectiveness in performance in the candidate’s career path as well as equip the candidates with the wherewithal to the generation of new and relevant theological knowledge that supports the development of the region.

The faculty seeks to respond to the new socio-economic, spiritual, moral and political challenges that keep arising by way of reflecting on them from a well-informed theological perspective. The faculty has a duty to assist the local Churches in the challenging dialogue between faith and culture, between the Church and human society, between the Kingdom of God and the temporal realities through which the human family moves towards its final destiny. In essence the Faculty of Theology is the hub of theological research for the Local Church in light of the directives of Church’s teaching, and Traditional Christian theology as well as the local needs.

The Faculty of Theology is located in four different campuses of the Catholic University, namely the Main Campus – Harare, Holy Trinity College, Chishawasha Major Seminary and St Augustine’s – Bulawayo.

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