Directorate on Corruption and Economic Crime (DCEC) Job Vacancies

The Directorate on Corruption and Economic Crime (DCEC) was established in September 1994 under the Corruption and Economic Crime Act Model and staffed by the former members of the Hong Kong agency and local personnel. The Directorate is an operationally autonomous law enforcement agency. The legal mandate of the DCEC is to combat corruption. It can investigate, prosecute offenders, and prepare strategies to combat corruption and provide public education and training.

Does your government have a single or primary anticorruption strategy?

National Anti Corruption Strategy exists on the investigative, Preventive and Education effort. It was updated in 2013.

What are the main anticorruption laws of your country?

Corruption and Economic Crime Act of 1994
Amended Corruption and Economic Crime Act of 2013
Proceeds and Instruments of Crime of 2014
Section 99 of the Penal Code of 1964

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