Embassy of Germany Job Vacancies

More than 50 years after achieving independence, Botswana is enjoying commendable development on the African continent. Respect for human rights, institutions which are democratically legitimized, separation of powers, and an absence of political turmoil and violent confrontation make the country an example for the entire region to follow.

Botswana is proactively and constructively engaged, both globally and regionally, and it is strongly committed to multilateralism. The country has used its mineral resources to develop its infrastructure and social services. It has ensured macroeconomic stability and pursues prudent fiscal policies.

That said, considerable challenges remain: Botswana needs to diversify its economy in order to overcome dependence on a limited supply of raw materials, promote more new enterprises and pursue goal-oriented education and training for the young generation, in order to provide more employment.

Germany, together with other international partners, supports Botswana in the areas of nature conservation, water management and vocational training. Experienced experts and young volunteers from Germany are learning, working and teaching here. Extensive contacts have been established between our countries; many Botswanans are involved in the extended network of study visits, seminars and information trips that Germany provides.

Visiting cultural ensembles from each country have performed for their hosts. A considerable number of Germans have settled in Botswana, for family-related or professional reasons, or simply because they have been captivated by the charm of this beautiful country.

Dear readers, we hope you will visit our website often, read the information we provide, contact us, and suggest topics that we could include. It is our aim to make this site a valuable source of information, and that it will keep you abreast of current developments in our bilateral relations.

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