Emmanuel Teacher Training School Courses Offered


Students taking second-level OT or NT electives must have completed Ot Survey or NT Survey. For third-year studies, they must have completed at least 1 second-year OT or NT course. Exceptions require permission of instructor and a B+ average in OT Survey or NT Survey.

BI110AA Bible Foundations
Explores the historical, religious, polititical, and cultural background of teh Bibel; includes formation, transmission, and history of the text.

BN110AA New Testament Survey
Explores the books of the New Testament with an emphasis on their central teachings, dominant themes, and primary message for both ancient recipients and modern readers.

BN210AA Gospels & Acts
Explores the NT books from Matthew to Acts; includes an overview and closer reading of selected texts exploring the biblical material; studies the message, themes, literary structure, and key critical issues of these books.
Prerequisite: New Testament Survey

BN214AA General Epistles & Hebrews
Explores the NT books from Hebrews to Jude; includes an overview and closer readings of selected texts exploring the biblical material; studies the message, themes, literary structure, and key critical issues of these books.
Prerequisite: New Testament Survey

BN225AA Johannine Literature
Explores the NT books of John’s Gospel, John’s letters, and Revelation; includes an overview and closer reading of selected texts exploring the biblical material; studies the message, themes, literary structure, and key critical issues of these books.
Prerequisite: New Testament Survey

BN267AA Pauline Epistles
Explores the NT books from Romans to Timothy; includes an overview and closer readings of selected texts exploring the biblical material; studies the message, themes, literary structure, and key critical issues of these books.
Prerequisite: New Testament Survey

BN321AA Gospel of Matthew, or Mark (BN322AA), or
Luke (BN323BA)

An in-depth study of the Gospel of Matthew or Mark or Luke with an emphasis on analysis, exposition, and application of the text to Christian life and ministry.
Prerequisite: 1 Bible course at the 200 level.
Antirequisite: Gospels and Acts

BN325AA Pastoral Epistles
An in-depth study of the books of 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus with emphasis on analysis, exposition, and application of the text to Christian life and ministry.
Prerequisite: 1 Bible course at the 200 level.
Antirequisite: Pauline Epistles

BN341AA Greek Exegesis
This course is a continuing study of the essentials of New Testament Greek grammar and an introduction to the issues and techniques of Greek Exegesis. It includes a review of the first-year grammar and an introduction to new grammatical insights through the translation of New Testament texts. The challenges of exegesis will also be considered through lectures, discussions and examination of translated texts.
Prerequisite: New Testament Greek II

BN360AA Corinthians
An in-depth study of the books of 1 & 2 Corinthians with emphasis on analysis, exposition, and application of the text to Christian life and ministry. Prerequisite: 1 Bible course at the 200 level.
Prerequisite: 1 Bible course at the 200 level.
Antirequisite: Pauline Epistles

BN365AA Romans
An in-depth study of the book of Romans with emphasis on analysis, exposition, and application of the text to Christian life and ministry.
Prerequisite: 1 Bible course at the 200 level.
Antirequisite: Pauline Epistles

BN410AA Advanced/Thematic Studies in New Testament
An advanced study of a theme or specific text in the New Testament with a focus on understanding the biblical text, its place in Christian history, and contemporary application.
Prerequisite: 1 New Testament course at the 300 level.

BO110AA Old Testament Survey
Explores the books of the OT with an emphasis on their central teachings, dominant themes, and primary message for both ancient
recipients and modern readers.

BO211BA Pentateuch
Explores the OT books from Genesis to Deuteronomy; includes an overview and closer readings of selected texts exploring the biblical material; studies the message, themes, literary structure, and key critical issues of these books.
Prerequisite: Old Testament Survey

BO212AA Historical Books
Explores the OT books from Joshua to Esther; includes an overview and closer readings of selected texts exploring the biblical material; studies the message, themes, literary structure, and key critical issues of these books.
Prerequisite: Old Testament Survey

BO213AA Wisdom Literature
Explores the OT books from Job to Song of Solomon; includes an overview and closer readings of selected texts exploring the biblical material; studies the message, themes, literary structure, and key critical issues of these books.
Prerequisite: Old Testament Survey

BO215AA Prophetic Literature
Explores the OT books from Isaiah to Malachi; includes an overview and closer readings of selected texts exploring the biblical material; studies the message, theme, literary structure, and key critical issues of these books.
Prerequisite: Old Testament Survey

BO361BA Genesis
An in-depth study of the book of Genesis with an emphasis on analysis, exposition, and application of the text to Christian life and ministry.
Prerequisite: 1 Bible course at the 200 level.
Antirequisite: Pentateuch

BO363DA Ezra and Nehemiah
An in-depth study of the books of Ezra and Nehemiah with emphasis on analysis exposition, application of the text to Christian life and ministry.
Prerequisite: 1 Bible course at the 200 level.
Antirequisite: Historical Books

BO364BA Isaiah
An in-depth exegetical study of the book of Isaiah with emphasis on the prophet’s calling, messianic passages, the concept of the remnant, the servant songs, and themes of sin and judgment, remnant, and social justice. The contemporary relevance of the prophet’ message to the church and world will also be explored throughout the duration of the course.
Prerequisite: 1 Bible course at the 200 level.
Antirequisite: Prophetic Literature

BO365BA Psalms
A literary, theological, historical, exegetical, and devotional study of the Psalter. Students will be introduced to a variety of aspects such as the use of history in the Psalms, the use of the Psalms in the life of ancient Israel, theological themes, poetic devices, and the different types of psalms. This course will also focus on interpreting and applying the Psalms to one’s spiritual life and the church today.
Prerequisite: 1 Bible course at the 200 level.
Antirequisite: Wisdom Literature

B0410AA Advanced/Thematic Studies in Old Testament
An advanced study of a theme or specific text in the Old Testament with a focus on understanding the biblical text, its place in Christian history, and contemporary application.
Prerequisite: 1 Old Testament course at the 300 level.


Theology courses seek to provide an orderly presentation of the teachings of the Bible. Attention is given to the development of these biblical doctrines in both their historical and contemporary expressions. All diploma and degree students take Introduction to Theology as part of their basic curriculum. B.R.E. and B.Th. students also take theology electives.

BT210AA Introduction to Theology
An introduction to the nature and task of theology along with its basic terms and motifs; and an overview of Christian doctrines including Scripture, God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, humanity, sin and salvation, the Church, and the Second Coming of Christ. Focus also on the interpretation and relevance of Christian doctrines as expressed within the Church tradition and among contemporary theologians.
Prerequisites: Old and New Testament Survey

BT391BA Christian Doctrines: God and Humanity
Doctrine of God and Anthropology. An in-depth theological study of these doctrines with special attention given to the problems, biblical teaching, historical development and contemporary relevance. Creeds, documents, and other primary sources will be utilized.
Prerequisite: Introduction to Theology, or permission of instructor.

BT392BA Christian Doctrines: Christ and Salvation
Christology and Soteriology

An in-depth theological study of these doctrines with special attention given to the problems, biblical teaching, historical development and contemporary relevance. Creeds, documents, and other primary sources will be utilized.
Prerequisite: Introduction to Theology, or permission of instructor.

BT393BA Christian Doctrines: The Holy Spirit and the
Pneumatology and Ecclesiology.

An in-depth theological study of these doctrines with special attention given to the problems, biblical teaching, historical development and contemporary relevance. Creeds, documents, and other primary sources will be utilized.
Prerequisite: Introduction to Theology, or permission of instructor.

BT394AA Integration of Faith & Counselling
Explores the relationship between the Christian faith and the theory and practice of psychology, psychotherapy, and counselling. Students examine various models, approaches, and biblical and theological perspectives to understand the role of a counsellor who self-identifies as a Christian. Additionally, students are challenged to explore and evaluate their embedded understanding of an approach to this topic.
Prerequisite: Introduction to Theology

BT410AA Advanced/Thematic Studies in Theology
An advanced study of a specific doctrine with a focus on understanding the development of the doctrine, its place in Christian history, and contemporary application.
Prerequisite: 1 Theology course at the 300 level.

BT432BA Theology Seminar: Eschatology
An exploration of the biblical basis for the Christian hope in the second coming of the Son of God with its attendant phenomena and how that hope has been interpreted throughout history. Topics typically inherent in a systematic treatment will be addressed. Students will evaluate preoccupation with eschatological speculation today. They will be invited to develop for themselves and their future ministries an informed and coherent theology of the Last Things with a view to integration of the Christian hope into that ministry and into their own spiritual lives.
Prerequisites: Introduction to Theology, and two other theology electives.

BT432CA Theology Seminar: Doctrine of Revelation
An exploration of the revelation of God about Himself as a doctrine both biblically and historically. Students will be exposed to ideas of revelation from the Patristic Period through the Reformation as well as theological contribution from modern theologians. Student will be invited to develop for themselves and their future ministries a well- rounded, coherent theology of God’s revelation and human response to that revelation under the premise that this doctrine affords the basis for all of the theology.
Prerequisite: Introduction to Theology, and two other theology electives.

Note: The following courses may be applied for credit in Biblical Theology: Theology of Mission, Non-Western Theology. See also the Distance Education course, Old Testament Theology (p. 72).