First Heritage Insurance Brokers Job Vacancies

Botswana Insurance Company Limited (BIC) was incorporated in Botswana in 1975. The organization is committed in providing exceptional quality products and services to its clientele. This is embedded in providing short-term insurance products and services aimed at specific markets, as well as optimizing its Broker & Agency network as the main delivery channel. BIC has constantly expanded its product range to cater for the dynamic and ever changing needs of the markets it serves.

With 40 years in the industry, BIC has become the most reputable short term insurance company and continues to maintain the largest market share for short term solutions. The organisation is the first insurance company in Botswana to obtain a National scale rating of AA- claims paying rating from Global Credit Ratings with the rating outlook maintained as “Stable” and means the company has a very strong capacity to meet financial commitments.

BIC has contributed tremendously to community development, social support and employment creation and it is one company in the private sector that looks towards diversification and growth of Botswana’s economy by encompassing insurance as the driving sector for attracting foreign direct investment and growth opportunities. Following these tremendous developments, BIC aspires to be the insurer of first choice in the market it operates in and to also provide services that surpass the expectations of its clientele.

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