How Much is Medical Aid in Botswana

Medical aid covers members’ healthcare costs such as hospitalization, treatments, and medicine.

Medical aid professional treatment for illness or injury. synonyms: medical care.

Botswana Public Officers’ Medical Scheme (BPOMAS) has been administered by Associated Fund Administrators since its inception, in 1990. The Scheme offers medical aid coverage and is open to all civil servants and their dependants. AFA has ensured the Scheme’s continued growth emanating from the improved marketing activities and improved service.

The Scheme strives to ensure that those covered are also able to access healthcare services outside the borders of Botswana by identifying and facilitating long-lasting relationships with most healthcare providers.

BPOMAS members can choose from three comprehensive benefit options namely; the Standard Option which has P21 600 up to P30 000 cover per annum, High Benefit Option which has P300 000 cover per annum and the premium benefit option has P500 000 cover per annum.

The Premium and High Benefit Options cater for Dread Disease / Catastrophe at P300 000 and P150 000 respectively (examples: RTA, stroke, heart attack, kidney failure) and their Annual Basic limit of P150 000 and P200 000 respectively.

Which is the best medical aid in Botswana?

Bomaid is Botswana’s most trusted medical aid provider, helping families take care of their health since 1970.

How does medical aid work in Botswana?

Members of the medical scheme pay contributions every month and in return, receive medical cover according to the rules of the scheme. Member contributions are paid directly into a pool of funds. Any money not paid out in claims and administration fees remains in this pool.

Which medical aid is the best value for money?

Bestmed scores top for value for money

The picture changes when it comes to value for money, as defined by the Perceived Value Index. In this context, Bestmed (78) is the clear leader. It comes in six points ahead of the industry average and 3.3 points clear of Medihelp (74.7).

What is the medical aid rate?

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Medical scheme rates (MSR) are the amounts a medical aid scheme is prepared to pay for specific treatments and procedures.