How To Change Your Name In Zambia

What is a Name?

A name is a term used for identification by an external observer. They can identify a class or category of things, or a single thing, either uniquely, or within a given context.

The entity identified by a name is called its referent. A personal name identifies, not necessarily uniquely, a specific individual human.

How To Change Your Name In Zambia

Deliver to the registrar a statutory declaration made before a Commissioner for Oaths stating that he absolutely renounces the use of his former name or names and assumes a new name or names,

details of which shall be included in such statutory declaration, and the registrar shall retain such statutory declaration;

Surrender to the registrar his national registration card;

Complete Form 4 set out in the Second Schedule or give the registrar such information as the registrar may require to complete the said Form 4 on his behalf in the new name or names,

and he shall make and sign the declaration thereon, but if he is unable to write or is able only to print his name, he shall affix his right thumbprint.

How much does it cost to Change a Name In Zambia?

But combining results yes you can at a K1000 fee. You will be advised on the procedure for changing your name

[the documents you need to submit, how much to pay, and other requirements].

What is the needed document to Change a Name In Zambia?

Certificate of Criminal Record.

Request Addressed to the Minister of Justice.

Application addressed to the Registrar.

Identity Card (original and photocopy)