How To Evict A Tenant In Zambia

Who is a Tenant?

A person who occupies land or property rented from a landlord.

How To Evict A Tenant In Zambia

Written notice to vacate over a period of 6 months may be the best approach which clearly lets them know you want them to leave.

However, that doesn’t always work and unfortunately, you can’t force a tenant out of your home without going through the costly eviction process.

What is the Landlord and Tenant Act of the Rules of Zambia?

An Act to provide security of tenure for tenants occupying the property for business, professional, and certain other purposes;

to enable such tenants to obtain new tenancies in certain cases; and to provide for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto.

How much notice must the landlord provide the tenant if he wants to terminate a year-to-year tenancy in Zambia?

In the absence of any such lease, the Landlord shall give the Tenant three months notice to quit.