How To Get A Passport In Zambia

What is a Passport?

A passport is an official travel document issued by a government that contains a person’s identity. A person with a passport can travel to and from foreign countries more easily and access consular

assistance. A passport certifies the personal identity and nationality of its holder.

How To Get A Passport In Zambia

  1. Submit your request for passport application forms by e-mail to or by mail to: the Embassy of the Republic of Zambia
    2200 R Street, NW
    Washington, DC 20008In the subject line of the email message, enter the following information: REQUEST FOR PASSPORT FORMS or REQUEST FOR TRAVEL DOCUMENT APPLICATION FORMS (whichever is applicable)Include the following details:
    1. Applicant’s name in full
    2. Date of Birth
    3. National Registration card number (in the case of a minor (aged under 16 years old), provide one of the parents’ National Registration Card numbers)
    4. Mailing Address
  2. Upon receipt of your request for passport application/renewal forms, the Embassy will mail you the Passport Application package. Included in the package will be an Application Instruction page.

How long does it take to get a passport in Zambia?

All standard passport applications are dispatched to Dublin for processing. The current average

turnaround time from application in Lusaka to receipt of a new passport is approximately 6 weeks.

How much does a passport cost in Zambia?

Application form               20.00
Zambia Ordinally Certificate 32 pages             300.00
Zambia Ordinally Certificate 48 pages             500.00
Zambian Ordinally passport 32 pages express             500.00
Zambia Ordinally passport 48 pages express             700.00
Travel document of identity(TDI)               20.00
Penalty fee for loss of Passport 
The penalty fee for loss of Passport             100.00

How long is a passport valid in Zambia?

If you are visiting Zambia, your passport should be valid for a minimum of 6 months from the date you arrive and have at least 2 blank pages.