How To Keep Broiler Chickens In Zambia

What are Broiler Chickens?

A broiler is any chicken that is bred and raised specifically for meat production. Most commercial broilers reach slaughter weight between four and six weeks of age,

although slower-growing breeds reach slaughter weight at approximately 14 weeks of age. Typical broilers have white feathers and yellowish skin. 

How To Keep Broiler Chickens In Zambia

Which feed is best for broilers Chickens in Zambia?

The ZamFeed Broiler is a feed suitable for raising village chickens economically. It can also be fed to broilers to help maintain weight.

How many bags of feed for 100 broilers Chickens in Zambia?

Per 100 birds, you need 8 bags of feed, 3 starter,s, and 5 grower feed. I don’t use a finisher because by using a grower, you will still have a good output.

Even at 5 weeks and 3 days you will start selling your chickens.

How many times should I feed broilers Chickens?

Continue to keep your feeders full. Once your birds reach 4 weeks of age, feed them once a day; letting the feeder remain empty for at least 8 hours per day.

Doing this will encourage the birds to free range and help in growing healthier birds. Always make sure your flock has plenty of fresh clean water.