How To Register For Vat In Zambia

What is Vat?

A value-added tax, known in some countries as a goods and services tax, is a type of tax that is assessed incrementally.

It is levied on the price of a product or service at each stage of production, distribution, or sale to the end consumer.

How To Register For Vat In Zambia

All businesses that qualify to register for VAT must complete an application form. This form can be a manual form or completed online through an e-registration process.

As a VAT-registered taxpayer, there are certain obligations required of you by the Zambia Revenue Authority.

How much is VAT in Zambia?

Standard-rated goods imported to Zambia are subject to import VAT at the rate of 16%. The supply of standard-rated services to customers in

Zambia by a non-Zambian supplier that has not been subject to VAT in the country from which the services are provided will be subject to VAT in Zambia.

What is the VAT calculation formula?

To calculate the VAT on the price before tax, you need to multiply the sales price before tax by the applicable VAT rate to get the sales price including tax.