Les Gaz Industriels Ltd Job Vacancies

Founded in 2008, Gaz Industriels Madagascar S.A. (GIM) is specialized in the storage and delivery of medical and industrial gases as well as welding accessories. Situated in the industrial zone of Forello in Tanjombato and in proximity of Antananarivo, GIM is well located to provide the best possible transportation services.

To be able to meet its objectives, GIM has adapted to the different quality requirements of AFROX (www.afrox.co.za) and LINDE Group (www.linde.com) to meet the actual and future demands in its domain. In GIM’s pursue of quality excellence, its next milestone will be to acquire the ISO 9001-2015 accreditation in the near future and the ISO 14000 in a later stage.

Being affiliated to Les Gaz Industriels Ltd, one of the pioneers in gas manufacturing in the Republic of Mauritius, GIM has the necessary expertise to continuously provide service quality to its clients and partners.


Lot 4, Bloc 1, zone industrielle Forello, Tanjombato, 101 Antananarivo, Republique de Madagascar
Tel : (+261) 20 22 576 00 / (+261) 34 11 201 78 | Fax : (+261) 20 22 576 00
contacternous@gazindmada.com – admin@gazindmada.com

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