List Four Symbols Of National Identity In Zambia

The maize cob, the mine shaft head, and the zebra imposed on the national color (green) symbolize natural resources- -agriculture, minerals, game, and the land.

The scroll carries the national motto–“One Zambia, One Nation”.

How many symbols are on the Zambian coat of arms?

The symbols on the coat of arms include: the African fish eagle, Pick and hoe, shield, Victoria Falls, Man and Woman, Maize Cob, Mine Shaft-Head, and Zebra and National Motto 

(One Zambia, One Nation). This represents the country’s economic backbone.

Who composed the Zambian coat of arms?

As head of the Graphic arts section of the Zambian Ministry of Information, Gabriel Ellison designed what would become the nation’s symbol of freedom and sovereignty.

When was the Zambia coat of arms made?

In 1964 the Coat of Arms of Zambia was adopted for a newly independent Zambia. The coat of arms features a shield with black and white wavy lines with a hoe, pick axe and an eagle above.

Who composed Zambia’s national anthem?

“Stand and Sing of Zambia, Proud and Free” is the national anthem of Zambia. The tune is taken from the hymn “Nkosi Sikelel’ iAfrika”

(English: “Lord Bless Africa”), which was composed by Xhosa composer Enoch Sontonga, in 1897.