Lobola Prices in Zimbabwe

Lobola is a marriage tradition that has been practised for centuries by cultures in southern Africa. Lobola is a kind of payment called a bridewealth. In this tradition, the family of the groom pays the family of the bride before the marriage takes place. In earlier times cattle were often used as payment.

Prices for educated brides tend to be much higher, he says. For instance, the bride price for a woman with a master’s degree or Ph.D. can range from $15,000 to $30,000 or 15 to 20 head of cattle. For a woman with a college degree, it can range from $8,000 to $12,000 or eight to 12 head of cattle.

Paddington Khumalo has been living with the mother of his 3-year-old daughter for five years but has not married her yet, because her family won’t allow it.

Like many other young men here, he hasn’t been able to afford the traditional bride price.

Bride prices vary greatly in Zimbabwe, but the requested amount in his case is six head of cattle or cash equal to about $3,000.

Unable to offer this immediately, Khumalo paid a portion of the traditional requirement through gifts of clothing, which allows him to live with his fiancée, but not to formally marry her. He still has an outstanding debt. The gifts so far include a coat and hat for the bride-to-be’s father and a blanket and towel for her mother, he says. Until he gets the $3,000 or six head of cattle, he also may be obligated at any time to provide other requested items, such as a suit for her father, which would come with a tie and socks.

Paying bride prices, known as “amalobolo” in the Ndebele culture and “roora” in the Shona culture, has become difficult for young men like Khumalo who are either self-employed or unemployed due to the country’s economic situation. Unemployment estimates range wildly in Zimbabwe, from as little as 13 per cent to as high as 96 per cent. Late last year, the government converted all cash in banks to bond notes, making it harder for young men to access money to pay bride prices or to buy goods.

How much does Lobola cost?

Image result for Lobola Prices in Zimbabwe

Almost two-thirds of respondents (62%) said “a reasonable amount” for lobola was R10 000 or less; 21% said between R10 000 and R25 000 was reasonable; 11.1% said a range between R25 000 and R50 000 was acceptable; and 5.8% were happy to spend more than R50 000.

Who pays the bride price in Zimbabwe?

the groom’s family

It is paid by the groom’s family to the bride’s family and it acts as a contract between the two families.

Is Lobola allowed in Zimbabwe?

Registered Customary law union

Requires payment of lobola and can marry other women only under customary law, unless there is still one wife, can upgrade to civil marriage. It is solemnised by Magistrates within their areas of jurisdiction. This marriage is characterised by payment of lobola.

Is Lobola considered marriage in Zimbabwe?

The practice of lobola in Lesotho and Zimbabwe

Lobola, the provision of gifts to the parents of a bride, usually in the form of cash or livestock, is an entrenched part of marriage in parts of Southern Africa.