Malamulo SDA Hospital Job Vacancies

Malamulo Adventist Hospital is a 275-bed Christian mission hospital in the rural location of Makwasa, in Southern Thyolo District of Malawi. The Malamulo Mission was founded in 1902. The hospital started as a clinic in 1915, then as a Leprosarium in 1925, and developed into a referral hospital by 1953. The hospital is a surgery residency training site through the Pan-African Academy of Christian Surgeons (PAACS).

Prior to the graduation of the first fully-trained resident, Loma Linda University had agreed in principle to provide a diploma to PAACS graduates but the loose organizational structure of PAACS was of concern. In response, CMDA created a new organizational concept and PAACS became a council of CMDA in 2001. Loma Linda University has been a valued partner since that time. The first inspection tour of the PAACS system by LLU was made in 2002.

In 2003, a partnership was formed with Loma Linda University and the Christian Medical and Dental Associations of the United States (CMDA) to establish a non-denominational Christian organization to train general surgeons in Africa. They called the organization the Pan-African College of Christian Surgeons (PACCS), which was later changed to the Pan-African Academy of Christian Surgeons in 2004. PAACS became a commission of CMDA in 2007.

Dr. Thompson still serves with PAACS and in 2013 started another PAACS program in Egypt.

PAACS has grown over the years. Nine PAACS African training programs in general surgery are presently active in Gabon, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Niger, Egypt, Tanzania, Kenya (2) and Malawi utilizing ten different hospitals. We also have a pediatric general surgery training program and an orthopedic surgery training program, each at a different Kenyan hospital. The program in Ethiopia is eager to start training orthopaedic surgeons and there is a new head and neck fellowship at Mbingo Baptist Hospital in Cameroon. One additional program is presently quiescent in Bangladesh, and we are looking at other possible training sites in Africa. Togo is likely to be the next one.

Sixty-four surgeons have completed the PAACS surgical training program. All PAACS graduates are currently working in various parts of Africa or have gone for postgraduate surgical training.

In February 2016, PAACS celebrated its 20th anniversary. God has blessed PAACS! We are truly thankful for His provision and guidance over the years.

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