Ministry of Lands and Housing (MLH) Botswana Job Vacancies

Botswana is a peaceful, prosperous, stable country with nearly universal access to clean water, education and health care. However, a high rate of income inequality and poverty concentrated in rural areas are blemishes on Botswana’s otherwise superb record of sustained economic growth and social progress. Harsh climatic conditions, limited arable land and a fragile
ecosystem make it very challenging to increase the incomes of the rural poor.

The challenge is even greater because Botswana’s legal framework governing rangeland provides incentives to privatize and fence communal grazing land through the development of leasehold ranches. This legal structure favors the concentration of ranching on large tracts by wealthier
and more powerful people, causing the poorest households to lose access to land, water and veld products on which their livelihoods depend.

As a consequence, the remaining accessible communal land is vulnerable to overuse and land degradation.
Botswana’s increasingly prosperous, increasingly urban population puts ever-greater pressure on the country’s natural resources through its growing demand for food, land and fuel.

This pressure has resulted in rangeland degradation, soil erosion, loss of grazing habitat, deforestation, overexploitation of wildlife and wood, water pollution, bush fires, and conflicts between people and wildlife. Of particular concern is the country’s forest land, which lacks the protection of a legal framework accompanied by natural resource governance capacity.

Search for Ministry of Lands and Housing (MLH) Botswana Job Vacancies

Search for Ministry of Lands and Housing (MLH) Botswana Job Vacancies