Mpilo Hospital Job Vacancies

Great minds (that) think alike”: Linking up projects and campaigns that support Mpilo Central Hospital, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.

Friends of Mpilo Hospital!

Were you or some of your family and friends born at Mpilo Hospital? Have you or someone you care about ever received treatment from Mpilo Hospital staff?

Have you ever benefited in anyway, from the existence of Mpilo Hospital; as an employee of Mpilo Hospital (nurse, midwife, doctor, pharmacist, physio, radiographer, cleaner, cook, porter)?

We are all friends of Mpilo! Now is our turn help ‘nurse’ Mpilo back to her health. For our benefit – and for the benefit of those we care about.

Mpilo Central Hospital, more commonly known as Mpilo Hospital, is the largest hospital in Bulawayo, and second largest in Zimbabwe after Parirenyatwa Hospital in Harare. Mpilo is a public hospital, and referral centre for the Matabeleland North, Matabeleland South and Midlands provinces of Zimbabwe.

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