NBS Bank Malawi Job Vacancies

NBS Bank, then New Building Society was formed following the amalgamation of Central Africa Building Society, Commonwealth Century Building Society and First Permanent Building Society.

The New Building Society had been incorporated under the Building Societies Act on 7th February, 1964. Since then, The Society continued to operate under this Act and raised funds from the public and advanced them by way of mortgage loans against the security of land and buildings. Today, NBS Bank is the still market leader in mortgage loans.

NBS Bank (formerly The New Building Society) has been a part of many lives for many years in Malawi. Not just assisting customers with home loans – the biggest investment of their lives – but helping them with their dreams too. And we are still the same financial institution you have always trusted.

The bank was incorporated as a Limited Company on 14th March 2003, registered under the Banking Act on 1st March 2004, and started its operations on 1st July, 2004 when The New Building Society was dissolved and its operations taken over by the former.

NBS Bank operates through a network of 13 branches and 21 agencies throughout the country. When NBS Bank was a Society; it started with one branch in 1964, however when The Society converted into NBS Bank it assumed 12 branches and 5 agencies.

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