Parirenyatwa Job Vacancies

Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals started as a small hospital in 1890. From this date small satellite health facilities were established within this complex such that by 1963 this Group of Hospitals included Salisbury Central Hospital, Princess Margaret Hospital,Lady Chancellor Maternity Hospital, Orthopaedic Centre, African Outpatient Clinic.

By 1974 the Andrew Fleming Hospital was commissioned and when this Group of Hospitals was renamed Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals after independence the health facilities in this complex had names changed to reflect the new political order. To date Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals has become the largest and most sophisticated hospital complex in the country with a capacity of one thousand eight hundred (1800) beds and a work force in excess of two thousand (2000) staff.

The Hospital is located in the Belgravia area of Harare and built on a 400 000 square meter piece of land.
The Hospital went through the governance of different Acts among them, the Salisbury Hospitals Act (1975), the Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals Act (1982) as amended and currently the Hospital is being governed by the Health Services act (2004), enacted in 2005.

The previous and current Acts enshrined the Hospital with a semi-autonomous status.

Medical laboratory technology and Hospital Food Service Supervisors’ Training course. Undergraduate and post graduate courses in medicine, surgery, pharmacy, Rehabilitation, dental and nursing. The Hospital is also a World Health Organisation Collaboration for Post graduate training in Oncology and Radiography

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