Prices of Fuel Botswana

A fuel is any material that can be made to react with other substances so that it releases energy as thermal energy or to be used for work.

Botswana Gasoline prices, liter Octorber-2022

Botswana Gasoline pricesLitreGallon

Botswana: The price of octane-95 gasoline is 16.17 Botswanian Pula per liter. For comparison, the average price of gasoline in the world for this period is 17.45 Botswanian Pula. The chart below shows the price of gasoline in the country relative to other countries. Use the drop menu to see the prices in gallons.

What does a liter of petrol cost in Botswana?

Petrol price after recent revision, a liter of Petrol will cost USD 1.2 per liter in Botswana. The new prices include international crude oil prices, currency exchange rates, and country levies. last price updated on 10th Oct 2022. Similar fuel price revisions were seen in other country-owned fuel retailers.

What is the diesel price in Botswana?

Diesel price after a recent revision, a liter of Diesel will cost USD 1.33 per liter in Botswana. The new prices include international crude oil prices, currency exchange rates,s and country levies. last price updated on 17th Oct 2022. Similar fuel price revisions were seen in other country-owned fuel retailers.

Where does Botswana get its fuel from?

South Africa

The land-locked country currently imports all of its liquid fuels, roughly 21,000 barrels a day, through South Africa, often leading to shortages when its southern neighbor experiences logistical challenges.16 May 2022

Why is Botswana fuel cheap?

After all, it does seem strange that petrol bought from South Africa is cheaper at the pumps in Lesotho, Swaziland, Botswana, and Namibia. Not really, explains Hein Baak of the Department of Minerals and Energy. It is a case of lower taxes, tariffs, levies, and profits.