Puma Energy Botswana Job Vacancies

To search for a job at Puma Energy use the link below. You can search by category, location, job type and full or part time jobs.

Make the most of your application

We want you to make the most of your application. A well-constructed CV will help you stand out. What do we mean by well-constructed? A CV that highlights not only what you have achieved but also what makes you tick as a person.

At the interview stage, we’ll naturally want to find out more about your strengths and achievements. But we’ll also be keen to gain a clear sense that you understand and are interested in our business. We’re looking for people who can really help build on our success – people with the right attitude who will add to our spirit and build on our success.

Find Puma Energy Botswana Job Vacancies below:


Contact details

Puma Energy Botswana, 
Plot 682/3 Botswana Road,
The Mall, Gaborone, 

Tel: +267 3951077

Email: Botswana@pumaenergy.com