Real Image Internet Job Vacancies

We provide internet services ranging from Dial up, Broadband/ADSL, Leased Line services and Wireless Solutions. We have a qualified technical support team to take your support calls or attend to you onsite.For all your marketing and customer service needs we have our skilled personnel.

Our CompuShop/Internet Cafe provides sales of all the latest hardware/components and software.

Real Image was the first Swaziland Company to introduce Full Internet Access packages to the Kingdom (dating back to 1996), and maintains a group of Websites providing comprehensive information about the Kingdom.

Contact us for our latest Job Vacancies

Tel: [00268] 2409 1000 | Fax: [00268] 2404 8333


Plot 168, Tsekwane Street, Mbabane

PO Box 3517, Mbabane, Kingdom of Swaziland