Total Botswana Job Vacancies

Our future employees are our single most valuable strength. That’s why we feel it’s natural to do everything we can to see you through the recruitment phase. Here, you will find our latest job offers, our tips for candidates and what we will be looking for in your application and during our interviews, so that you can boost your chances.

Our Total Careers platform lists all the positions to be filled in our group, across all professional fields, countries, and qualification levels. This guarantees a fair recruitment process. You can use it to apply and track your application.

Making the right choice means learning to get to know each other. We follow a four-step recruitment process. This enables us to find out more about your skills set and experience, but most of all it is an opportunity to talk about what we can accomplish together.

We use several induction methods to make our new employees familiar with our Group’s challenges, values and culture.

These include welcome seminars, featuring presentations by managers and interactive events, and mentoring initiatives, including the TWICE network coordinated by and for women in the Group.

Total is a large, integrated and global group. We do everything we can to ensure you find your feet quickly.

Find Total Botswana Job Vacancies here