UNIMA Tracer Study Advert

By | February 16, 2017

UNIMA Tracer Study Advert

The University of Malawi (UNIMA) celebrated 50 years of its existence in 2015. Having existed this long, UNIMA is reviewing the relevance and quality of higher education through a tracer study survey of its graduates, programmes and the labour market. UNIMA would therefore benefit from receiving feedback from her graduates and employers.
Specific Objectives of the Tracer Study:

  1. To determine the employability trends among UNIMA graduates.
  2. To establish reasons for unemployment amongst graduates.
  3. To find out the level of professionalism among UNIMA graduates.
  4. To establish reasons for graduates staying on or leaving job.
  5. To determine the competencies learned in the University which graduates and employers found useful.
  6. To determine programmes’ relevance and establish opportunities for new programmes.

Value and benefits of the Tracer – Study
The results of the study would ensure that the University incorporates in its programmes strategies to achieve greater accountability to the proprietor and the society. This will inform how best UNIMA  should reposition itself for the next fifty years through quality enhancement of education at all levels and ensure that students are fully engaged in their education and learning.
1. Alumni
A questionnaire has been developed to source information from UNIMA Alumni because they have valuable information that will inform developments and improvements in our programmes, services and systems. UNIMA alumni are requested to take time to complete the questionnaire made available on the UNIMA websites.
2.Employers and Stakeholders
A research team will physically gather data from employers and other stakeholders through face to face interactions during which a questionnaire will be completed.
Work Plan
The study is expected to be completed by the end of February, 2017. The employers and stakeholders questionnaire is currently being administered.
The University of Malawi would like to request all UNIMA alumni, employers and stakeholders to accord this research the support needed for an effective and efficient management of the study.
For further information, please contact the undersigned either by e-mail: (cmnyanga@unima.mw) or by phone on (01) 526622/0999632055/0888824443 (WhatsApp).