LUANAR : Academic year intake for undergraduate self- sponsored bachelors (generic) candidates

By | April 7, 2017

LUANAR : Academic year intake for undergraduate self- sponsored bachelors (generic) candidates

The Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR) is pleased to announce names of 923 undergraduate self-sponsored candidates who have been selected to pursue various bachelor’s degree (generic) programmes for the 2017/2018 academic year at Bunda Campus. Of the 923 candidates that have been selected, 296 are females and 627 males. These candidates are expected to arrive at LUANAR Bunda campus by Sunday 22nd October, 2017.

Successful candidates are advised that they would have to fend for themselves on all requirements for the duration of their studies i.e. food, accommodation, transport, stationery and other requirements relating to research and upkeep during work place attachments.

Successful candidates are further advised that the annual tuition fees for the 2017/2018 academic year is:

1. Undergraduate bachelors generic programmes: MWK362,500.00 per year

The fees should be paid, in full before registration of the first semester or in two equal instalments at the beginning of each semester of an academic year, through any of the following bank accounts:

NBS Bank National Bank of Malawi
Account name LUANAR Fees Account LUANAR Fees Account
Account number 0050886475017 2175762
Branch Lilongwe Lilongwe Service Center

Students will be required to present bank deposit slips bearing candidate name and LUANAR Student ID number to the University Cashier on registration to get a receipt which must be attached to their registration form. All candidates are further required to bring original copies of their academic certificates, identity documents and two passport size photographs for registration. Only students who will have paid fees and fulfilled the registration requirements will be allowed to attend classes and access other university services.
Successful candidates are further advised that, following the endorsement of the Higher Education Students (Loan and Grants) Bill by parliament, all needy students would be eligible to apply for either Government Loans or Grants through the Higher Education Students Loans and Grants Board to enable them meet the costs for their studies. Procedures on how this would be done will be released by the Board.

See also  Mzuzu University Scholarship For Master of Science in Sanitation Scholarship Fund 2020

We would like to congratulate all the successful candidates on being selected to study at LUANAR.

For further information, please contact the Admissions Office during working hours, using the following contact details: Tel: 01 277 900, 01 277
222, 01 277 249.

The list of successful candidates can also be accessed on these websites:, and from the following
Facebook group: bunda campus


Download the file for full details of the names;

Download Attached File