KCN Lends A Helping Hand In The National ID Project

By | May 8, 2017

The continual roll-out of the National ID project by the National Registration Bureau (NRB) saw applications pour in from the public for posts that were advertised by the NRB which would assist in the mass registration exercise expected to be completed this year.

Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC) which is a partner in the national ID project, contracted Kamuzu College of Nursing (KCN) to facilitate the administration of online assessment tests for the NRB advertised posts of ‘Registration Supervisor’ and ‘Registration Officer’. These online tests were structured to test the applicant’s typing speed and accuracy. These tests commenced on Tuesday, May 2nd and concluded on Sunday, May 7th.

Kamuzu College of Nursing assisted by providing infrastructure (i.e. a computer lab that was used by the applicants to take the assessment tests, computer equipment and internet connectivity), personnel as well as technical support. Each testing session had a duration of 12 minutes with a number of sessions being held throughout the day and each session accommodating over 40 applicants. It is estimated that over 3,400 people participated in these testing sessions over the 6 day period.

Candidates who are successful following the online tests will undergo a 5 day training period and upon successful completion, will receive offer letters for the NRB posts. The successful candidates will be contacted via the contact information they supplied when applying for the posts.