2017 Internship Opportunities : Medical, Community and Conservation Projects in Malawi

By | July 13, 2017

2017 Internship Opportunities : Medical, Community and Conservation Projects in Malawi

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Program SummaryRural Malawi suffers an extremely high incidence of diseases such as malaria, HIV/AIDS and bilharzias due to poverty and limited access to primary health care. Superstitious traditional beliefs regarding treatment and prevention of certain diseases, especially HIV/Aids, also hampers effective handling thereof. African Impact offers a varied range of medical volunteer opportunities in local hospitals and clinics and through Home Based Care teams. With largely understaffed and under-resourced facilities African Impacts healthcare volunteers provide much needed support to medical centres without imposing a burden on already overworked staff.
Just as important as the treatment, is education and awareness regarding preventable diseases. Malaria and HIV/AIDS education projects are vital in treating and preventing the spread of these diseases. Many people in the poor areas do not have access to proper medical care to receive treatment. Voluntary and home based care programs providing basic training can make a huge difference to the standard of living in these situations.
Volunteers in Malawi will also spend time working at an orphan day care centre currently supporting 70-100 young orphans and vulnerable children of whom many are affected by HIV/AIDS. As you volunteer with children abroad your activities may include pre-school teaching, helping with feeding, and teaching the importance of health and nutrition.

Program Highlights

1. Visit chronically ill patients in the local communities, providing advice, support and basic treatments in their rural village homes
2. Provide vital wound care and assess injuries for referral to a local hospital
3. Play an active role in educating local communities on preventable diseases, such as malaria, HIV/AIDS and advise on their treatment
4. Depending on your skill level, assist in local hospitals and understaffed rural clinics
5. Live on the stunning shores of Lake Malawi and experience traditional rural village life
6. Spend your weekends snorkelling, island-hopping, horse riding or relaxing around the fire under the stars with your fellow volunteers and staff

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  • Ecology
  • Medicine
  • Nursing
  • Social Work
  • Zoology & Wildlife Sciences


  • Aids
  • Animal Welfare
  • Biological Research
  • Building & Construction Projects
  • Childcare & Children
  • Community Centers
  • Community Development
  • Conservation
  • Eco-tourism
  • Education
  • Environment
  • Public Health

Program Duration

5-8 Weeks, 9-12 Weeks

This Program is open to

Worldwide Participants.

Cost in USD

Pricing from USD 1693

Experience Required


See application deadline here