T.B Millar Scholarships, Australia National University.
Each year the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre [SDSC] offers a limited number of T.B. Millar Scholarships each year to outstanding full-time scholars enrolled in one of the Master coursework programs offered by the Centre. These scholarships are named after Dr T. B. (Tom) Millar AO, the foundation head of SDSC, and a major figure in the development of strategic studies in Australia.
Strategic studies
The T.B. Millar Scholarships are available for new applicants to the Centre’s Master Coursework programs who intend to study full-time. Applicants must meet the admission requirements of the Master Coursework programs offered by SDSC.
The scholarship pays the tuition fee for the two core courses (or their equivalents) for a total of 24 units of coursework.
When applying for a Master Coursework program offered by SDSC, eligible applicants for the T.B. Millar Scholarship should submit the following:
- a cover letter indicating their interest in being considered for the scholarship and making the case for being granted one;
- a copy of your academic transcript/s;
- a current Curriculum Vitae;
- two academic written references (or arrange to have these sent on your behalf to arrive by the closing date)
Applications should be emailed to sdsc@anu.edu.au
These documents, together with your application for the program (made through UAC or online for International Students), will be considered as the full application for the scholarship.
The successful candidate will be selected on the basis of academic performance and promise, and potential contribution to the wider field of strategic studies.