Katie Wager Scholarship Program 2018 / 2019

By | November 9, 2017

Katie Wager Scholarship Program 2018 / 2019

  • scholarship award by Katie
    Theme of Scholarship: Legality of Bitcoin Gambling in the USA
    Email for Questions and Submitting: scholarship@katiewager.com
    DeadlineJanuary 31, 2018
    Description: Use our applying form when the article is ready, send it in PDF format and I’ll give an answer during the week. The best articles will be published on my website and their authors informed by e-mail. Check the updated chart regularly on this page.
    To figure out: Bitcoin gambling has become very popular lately. But there exist so many nuances that we do not yet thoroughly understand. For example, legality of bitcoin gambling is still an outstanding issue. So, here we offer the research project (article) for students of IT/Finance-specific colleges/universities and for those, who are interested in this theme.

    The first three places will receive a scholarship award:

    1. $750;
    2. $500;
    3. $350.


    Figure out such aspects as:

    • Bitcoin regulation in the USA (situation in different states);
    • Online gambling legality in the USA (situation in different states, which types of gambling are banned);
    • If somewhere, in the USA states, online gambling for money is banned, and bitcoin is not considered a real currency, can we consider such gambling legitimate?
    • Is it possible to make transaction with fiat currency?
    • Make a conclusion about bitcoin gambling legality, combining the results of above-mentioned research aspects.


    1. 3000 words in a PDF format;
    2. The article must be 100% unique (you may check it with http://smallseotools.com/plagiarism-checker/);
    3. Do not publish your research elsewhere;
    4. Use only trusted and checked sources while writing this project (list your sources at the end of the article).


    1. Winners will be posted on this page at February 1, 2018. I’ll contact each of them by e-mail in order to notice about the award size and ask for additional information for financial transactions.
    2. Each participant of this scholarship can send the article only ONCE.
    3. I accept participants all over the world.
    4. Sending this work you give me the permission to use this article for any purposes. And I’ll publish here the best articles (on my opinion).
    5. I guarantee the confidentiality of your personal information. I’ll keep it private and without sharing to the 3d parties.
    6. Your works can be sent via e-mail scholarship@katiewager.com or via the applying form below but only in a PDF format.
    7. The submission is free and the last day to send your article is January 31, 2018.
    8. In case of any questions contact me via scholarship@katiewager.com.
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