TEVETA Public and Private Sector Training Programme (PPSTP)

By | February 7, 2018

TEVETA Public and Private Sector Training Programme (PPSTP)

The Technical, Entrepreneurial and Vocational Education and Training (TEVET) Authority is a regulatory body that was established in 1999 by an Act of Parliament with the mandate to promote and regulate sustainable provision of quality technical, entrepreneurial and vocational education and training for the Malawian workforce in a socially responsible manner.
The TEVET Authority, in line with the TEVET Act, promotes and provides short tailor-made course programmes and in-service training in order to improve the performance and productivity of the national economy which is delivered through the public and private training programme (PPSTP).
The PPSTP is a window through which all TEVET Levy compliant employers are supported in addressing skills and performance gaps at the workplace for purposes of increased productivity and delivery of good quality products (goods and services) on the market.
The programme aims at bridging the skills and performance gaps among existing employees at the workplace through a number of interventions.
Target group
The PPSTP targets all employees from TEVET Levy compliant companies and organisations. The programme embraces both technical and vocational skill areas at the workplace ranging from soft to hard skills.
The programme offers a number of training interventions namely:
· Company or organisation-specific (in-house) technical support
Under this intervention, companies and organisations in their capacity as individual entities and/or associations and industrial grouping liaise with the TEVET Authority to access technical support and advice regarding delivery of services and products in a socially responsive manner. The assistance could either be through consultative discussions or one on one basis, workshop format and/or electronic advice on how best to access TEVET Authority services.
· Company or organisation-specific (in-house) training with reimbursements of training costs
Within this intervention companies or organisations that conduct in-house training for their employees at the workplace are eligible to claim 20% of the total direct training costs from TEVET Authority. The total re-imbursement of such costs may not exceed 20% of the total TEVET Levy contribution paid by the applicant in the previous financial year. The reimbursements are meant to assist companies or organisations reduce training costs incurred by the employer.
· Company or organisation-specific (in-house) on-the-job training
Under this intervention, companies or organisations are supported technically and financially in implementation of training at the workplace through on-the-job methodology. Trainees have the chance to practice modules and/or sessions practically within their working environment. Through this intervention companies and organisations are supported with 50% of the total direct training costs.
· Common tailor-made training/Calendared courses
These are scheduled courses based on consolidated demands from industry.
The courses address common skill gaps experienced at industry. These courses are facilitated by trainers/ consultants procured by TEVET Authority. Additionally, TEVET Authority pays for the cost of training venues.
· Association or industrial grouping demand-based training
Within this intervention, respective Companies/ Associations and Industrial Groupings that have a common skill gaps demand particular course(s). The cost of the training course(s) is shared between TEVET Authority and the respective association and/or industrial grouping as is stipulated in the guiding lines.
How to access PPSTP interventions
Except on the technical support intervention, all the other interventions require the companies and organisations to;
Identify their skill gaps and/or performance gaps
Apply using available Application Forms to TEVET Authority
Get approval from the Authority
Implement the demanded interventions and claim for reimbursements where necessary within the appropriate intervention.
When to apply
Employers and organisations can apply for the PPSTP interventions anytime during any fiscal year. Where companies and organisations do not have problems with identification of the needs and skill gaps, they are always encouraged to seek the attention of the TEVET Authority under the said interventions above.
Benefits of the Public and Private Training Programme
· Improved productivity and profitability at the workplace
· Improved attitude and knowledge of workers
· Improved competence of workforce
· Accelerated reduction of maintenance costs resulting in improved lifetime of machines
· Enhanced customer satisfaction
· Increased national manpower development on the labour market
· Increased ability of the workforce to coping with technological changes
For more information contact:
TEVET Secretariat
Private Bag B406
Lilongwe 3
Tel: (+265) 1 773 784/ 775 211/775 245
Fax: 1 774 797
TEVET Service Centre
P. O. Box 20138
Luwinga, Mzuzu 2
Tel: (+265)1 320 811/ 814/819
TEVET Service Centre
P. O. Box 1267
Tel: (+265)1 724 893/ 894
TEVET Service Centre
P. O. Box 301559
Blantyre 3
Tel: (+265)1 879 613/14