Monthly Archives: February 2021

Mauritius Application for Admission in an Academy for Grade 10 2021-2022 Academic Year

Further to its Press Communiqué dated 8 February 2021 regarding the above exercise, the Ministry of Education, Tertiary Education, Science and Technology wishes to inform Responsible Parties and students of Grade 9 attending Private Secondary Schools that Application Forms will also beavailable on request from the Rector of their respective schools as from Tuesday the 16th of February… Read More »

Mauritius Admission For Academies Grade 10 2021 – 2022 Academic Year

Your ward will be taking the National Certificate of Education (NCE) Assessment at the end of this academic year 2020-2021. You may choose for your ward to pursue his studies in Grades 10 to 13 in an Academy or to continue in the Secondary School he is currently attending.In case you wish to seek a seat for your… Read More »

UNESCO Japan Prize on Education for Sustainable Development 2021

UNESCO is inviting nominations for the UNESCO – Japan on Education forSustainable Development 2021. Within the framework of the Global Action Programme (GAP) on ESD, theUNESCO-Japan Prize on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) honours individuals, institutions, organizations or other entities for outstanding projects or programmes in the field of ESD. PrizeFunded by the Government of Japan, the Prize… Read More »

Mauritius Ashinaga Africa Initiative Scholarship 2021

ASHINAGA is a Japan-based non-profit organization which provides educational and psychological support to orphaned children worldwide. This organization is offering one scholarship to Mauritian candidates for undergraduate studies for Academic Year starting in 2022. Eligibility Criteria(i) SC/GCE ‘O’ Level with credit in at least five subjects including EnglishLanguage at one and the same sitting;(ii) HSC with passes in… Read More »

Applications for Mauritius Africa Scholarship Scheme 2021

Award of Scholarships by the Government of the Republic of MauritiusThe Government of Mauritius is awarding scholarships to deserving students who are resident citizens of memberstates of the African Union or African Commonwealth countries, as per the following criteria: For undergraduate programmes, applicants should be above 18 years of age and should not have reachedtheir 26th birthday by… Read More »

Examination Council Of Zambia ECZ GCE Registration Date

Examination Council Of Zambia ECZ GCE Registration; See details on Examination Council Of Zambia ECZ GCE Registration GENERAL CERTIFICATE OF EDUCATION (GCE) CANDIDATE REGISTRATION REGISTRATION ELIGIBILITYCandidates entering the General Certificate of Education Examination must be in possession of a valid National Registration Card (NRC) or valid passport. ENTRIESOnly GCE candidates who have paid examination fees should be entered… Read More »

Examination Council Zambia Grade 12 Registration Date

Examination Council Of Zambia ECZ Grade 12 Registration; See details on Examination Council Of Zambia ECZ Grade 12 Registration REGISTRATION ELIGIBILITY ENTRIESAll pupils on the school register in Grade 11 who have paid examination fees must be entered for the examination even if they are on suspension, are sick in hospital or even away from school for whatever… Read More »