Malawi Police arrest ‘ hyena dad’  for sex assualt on own 8-year-old daughter

By | July 29, 2016

Malawi Police in Salima have arrested 38-year-old Maston Khongoza of Chiphala Village Traditional Authority (T/A) Kalonga in the district for allegedly defiling his eight-year-old biological daughter.

Salima police public relations officer Gift Chitowe said  Khongoza defiled the girl while her mother was away receiving treatment at the district hospital.

“The issue came to light after the mother was discharged from Salima District Hospital where she was diagnosed with malaria and after coming back she saw her daughter having difficulties in walking,” Chitowe said.

He said upon asking the girl she revealed that her father had forced her to have sex with him twice on 22nd and 23rd July.

The girl is said to have failed to report the incident because the father had threatened to kill her once she dared talk about it to anyone.

The suspect is expected to appear in court soon to answer charges of incest.

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